5G in Nigeria: MTN 5G Network Takes Off In Style

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04:00 AM 18th, Sep 2022

On September 18th, 2018, MTN Nigeria held a commercial launch of MTN 5G in Lagos at the MTN Plaza in Ikoyi. All the guests in attendance got the chance to experience the beauty and power of the 5G network.

In attendance were MTN Nigeria executives, journalists, government regulators, trade partners, and tech enthusiasts, who got the opportunity to experience various use cases that showed how fast 5G could transform every aspect of life.

Guests had to scan a QR code from the entrance to access the venue. The event kick-off with the rendition of the national anthem by YelloStar top 5 finalists, Precious Freeborn, after which MTN Nigeria CEO, Karl Olutokun Toriola, gave his opening remark. According to him, MTN is building leading solutions for Africa’s progress, and 5G is one of the projects moving us further along this journey.

Next, Executive Vice Chairman of NCC, Prof. Umar Danbatta, took the floor to laud the efforts MTN Nigeria put into bringing the 5G technology to Nigeria, after which the Chief Marketing Officer MTNN, Adia Sowho, explained how 5G would affect everyone’s day-to-day life and bring people together.

As the event progressed, guests were left enthralled by the power of 5G. From seeing a robot operating with 5G technology serving guests refreshments to people being shown live situations that 5G has improved – a smart-home with 5G-improved security features, artificial and virtual reality exhibition simulating virtual meetings, as well as enhanced gaming experience with FIFA and Fortnight games.



A live speed test was carried out, and while 4G got speeds of about 100MBPS, the 5G network produced speeds of over 1GBPS. A file that would have taken an hour to download on the 4G network was downloaded in minutes. 4G is fast, but 5G? 5G is supersonic fast. Mind-blowing, right? We know!

At MTN, we’re committed to bringing innovative solutions that unlock the power of life’s possibilities and help people realize their dreams. And 5G technology is capable of just that. It dramatically enhances the network experience and delivers lightning-fast speeds, super large capacity, and ultra-low latency — all to better connect people with family, friends, colleagues, and communities and improve businesses.

Want to see how the event unfolded? Watch the Livestream of the event.

You can also peep the gallery section to see pictures from the event.

To experience the power of MTN 5G, order your router today. Visit www.mtn.ng/5g-router.




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