Love, Ribbons, & Roses: A Valentine’s Affair

Events > General
:00 AM 21st, Feb 2024

At the 2024 Ribbons & Roses Valentine’s event, love was in the air, and it was more than just a feeling—it was an experience. Held on February 14th, 2024, at the renowned Eko Hotel in Lagos, attendees were treated to a captivating blend of music, dance, spoken word, and delicious food.

Gifts, ribbons, and roses adorned the venue, setting the stage for a romantic evening that left guests enchanted and immersed in the spirit of love. From soulful melodies to mesmerizing performances, every moment was crafted to evoke joy and create lasting memories.

As attendees, we were delighted to witness the connections forged and the moments shared, all against the backdrop of this magical event. Ribbons & Roses truly offered a unique and unforgettable experience that celebrated the beauty of love and connection.




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