Nzem Berom Cultural Festival

Events > Culture Fest
10:00 AM 17th, May 2019 Plateau

A festival to usher in the rains and thank the Gods for a good harvest, The Nzem Berom festival is held every year from April to May, to usher in rainfall for the planting season and to pray for bountiful harvest of crops at the end of the year’s farming.

It further serves as an avenue for Berom sons and daughters to choose wives or husbands, as it presents an array of Berom beautiful women and handsome men, who easily discover themselves at the festival.

The festival is said to be as old as the people and the culture of Berom. The Berom tribe constitutes one of the largest

We had a swell time with the Berom people, stay locked to this page for sights and sounds from the event. Follow us on all our social media platforms for more information on all upcoming events.




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